Get involved
Revision as of 20:33, 16 July 2005 by (talk)
Who can help?
Every one can help.
You can help the SmartEiffel project in several ways. (developers, test, documentation -this wiki-)
How to help to documentation?
Please feel free to improve these pages in the WIKI.
How to help to test?
If you are a developer interrested in contributing to SmartEiffel, please read the following instructions:
- Browse the list below of the identified needed feature. Some of these feature requests are documented (follow the link) and some are not.
- Choose the one you want to do.
- Contact SmartEiffel team to discuss with them about if some one is already involved and about how SE team feels it.
- Write the code and the tests that are coming with (here we think that test based development is the must).
- Submit your work frequently using the cogito system to have quick feedback on it.
- Please consider that submission can be rejected for reasons that will be explained.
- Please consider also that unwanted submissions are very welcome.
List of the requested features (june 6, 2005)
- block file reading and writing
- bidirectionnal iterators
- unicode characters
- support of the localisation
- support of non blocking I/O
- support of time granted jobs
- improvement of HTTP_SERVER
- binary repository
- improvement of the binaries I/O
- usage of CSS
- ...