Grand blackboard

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Revision as of 17:41, 17 July 2005 by (talk) (Eiffel GUI library question)
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The Grand common blackboard is dedicated for day to day questions or for day to day discussions. It is also the good place to use when there is no appropriate page for what you want to say. Warning, this page is not supposed to be translated as it is in French.

I have followed the progress of SmallEiffel and later, SmartEiffel for some years now and with some interest. The biggest surprise to me is that there aren't more people using it. Lately, when I look on the SmartEiffel community pages, there seems to be a very high percentage of dead projects and expired links. This is worrying. Does this mean people are abandoning SmartEiffel in favor of other development tools or are there links to a thriving Eiffel community and projects that I'm just not aware of?


Many projects broke with the major changes from SmartEiffel 1.1 to 2.x.

Now that Gobo 3.4 supports SmartEiffel 2.x, I expect to see the number of SE-supporting packages grow again.

Roger Browne 17:26, 15 Jul 2005 (CEST)

What is the fate of the Eiffel GUI libraries like eGTK? Nearly all the projects that were listed on the old (pre-wiki) SmartEiffel page seemed to have latest releases dated in 2003 or earlier. What are people mostly using for the GUI aspects of an app? I haven't used the 'vision' libraries as they weren't around when I last used SmartEiffel. Are they comprehensive/mature enough to build application GUIs? Is 'vision' supported across all SmartEiffel platfrms (or at least the major ones)?
