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This is a draft. Please wait for me to finish it --Cyril 15:46, 12 May 2006 (CEST)

The short command is the SmartEiffel interface generator. Using a plain Eiffel source file, the command prints on the standard output the interface of this class. It is also a good tool to perform many validity checks of a given class (syntax, exportation rules, inheritance, etc.).

In a normal installation, it is invoked by the command se short.

There are two ways of invoking it: the traditional mode and the ACE mode.

  • In the traditional mode, many options can be specified on the command line.
  • In the ACE mode (Assembly of Classes in Eiffel), most of its options are not allowed on the

command line; they have their equivalents in the ACE file.


  • se short [options] <class>
  • se short [options] <ace_file.ace> <class>

The first syntax is the traditional mode, the second is the ACE mode.

In the ACE mode, the name of the ACE file provided must end with the suffix .ace.


-help Display a short summary of the command line syntax, as well as a complete list of the compiler's options.
-verbose Display (an enormous amount of) information during the compilation: a complete list of files loaded, the type inference scores, the generated files, and so on.
-version Display the SmartEiffel version number.
-loadpath <loadpath-file> Adds a loadpath file for class lookup. See details in the finder page.
-sort Sort features alphabetically.
-short Show only locally defined features (do not consider purely inherited features).
-no_style_warning Suppress the display of warning messages about non-compliance with Eiffel style rules (this flag does not have any effect any more in 2.3).
-no_warning Suppress all warning messages. This implies -no_style_warning.
-client <client_class> Specify the class whom the point of view is taken of. This command allows to know all the features visible to client_class from the class you short.

Note1: the default is equivalent to -client ANY.

Note2: se short -client STRING STRING does not show all features from STRING, but only those that are exported to STRING itself (callable via qualified calls).

-all_clients Display all the features, aven those not exported at all (marked feature {})

Predefined Output Formats